Request Information
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For general information and helpful links, download the OSRP Resources One-Pager.
Grant proposals will require a biosketch or resume/vitae from all senior personnel. Refer to the grant program guidelines for specific instructions and page limits.
For creating agency acceptable biosketches we recommend using the National Institutes of Health (NIH) SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae.
Especially note that the National Science Foundation will only accept biosketches created in SciENcv.
OSRP Approved Budget Development Guidelines for Principal Investigators (PIs):
A data management plan (DMP) will help you manage your data, meet funder requirements, and help others use your data if shared. For a complete guide we refer you to the MIT Libraries Data Management Plan Guide.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Handbook for Project Evaluation (2010, 159 pp.) was developed to provide project directors and principal investigators a basic guide for evaluating educational projects. It is aimed at people who need to learn more about both the value of evaluation and how to design and carry out an evaluation, building on firmly established principles. The Handbook discusses both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods, suggesting ways in which they can be used as complements in an evaluation strategy.
The Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide (1998, 71 pp.) focuses on the development and use of logic models to facilitate thinking, planning, and communications about program objectives.
The Basic Logic Model Example is a simplified model describing the basic components of a logic model, adapted from the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Program Action Logic Model.
The MSU Denver HRSA HCOP Logic Model is an example of a fully developed logic model created for a successful grant proposal, awarded in 2018 from the US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Careers Opportunities Program (HCOP).
To estimate accurately for your travel budget please use the State of Colorado Meal and Incidental Per Diem Rates and Mileage Reimbursement Policy provided by the Colorado Office of the State Controller. Please note also that the 2024 IRS approved mileage reimbursement rate is 67 cents/mile.
Please note that the System for Award Management (SAM) has discontinued the use of the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) and have replaced it with the Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number. If you need the UEI number please contact OSRP.
The US Department of Education “What Works Clearinghouse” (WWC) reviews the existing research on programs, products, practices, and policies in education. The goal is to provide educators with the information they need to make evidence-based decisions. The focus is on results from high-quality research to answer the question “What works in education?”
Supporting faculty and staff fundraising goals
Office Location:
1041 Ninth Street Park, Auraria Campus, Denver
Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP)
Campus Box 4
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362